Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

In the many years I've lived here on this planet earth, only 14 of those years I've known that there is a special day for your mother. As a young child, bringing home presents I made from school to my Mamma I felt nice. I was able to show her  that she means something that needs to be noticed. I grew up to be a teenager years later, and I felt like I was wronged. Because I never really had my mother to myself. Never had the opportunity to personally and to build an intimate  relationship. I found out only once I hit 20, what a true mother was, as I mothered my 3 children. Just last year, I found myself and what it means to be a mother to 3 children, to love, be present, and care. I never knew that my upbringing would effect me as a young woman. 
In 2012, I finally found true intimacy with my mother, finally knew what it was like to confine in the mother that brought you life. To trust with all your heart. And to not think about how she's babying you or making you feel inadequate, but giving me valuable life advice. 
I found out that when you get so close to someone, you don't see there short comings so much but there inner beauty.  That my life became simple once all the right pieces were in play. 
Unfortunately, that relationship was cut short by her dying on me. That's what true abandonment feels like; a parent dying on you. You have to fend for yourself in this cruel world, and only look to God for guidance. 
I'm thankful to of known my Mamma and to of shared all the secrets I have with her, and have her love me unconditionally  no matter what! That's the true love of a mother, always cheering for you even if you fall short. And always feeling like with them, you're able to conquer the world. Thank you Momma, you gave your life for me, so that my daughter can come to the world, Nyankol the 2nd. 
We love and miss you always, till we meet again :)

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