Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Happy Birthday Kingston!

It's February 12, 2019.
Today marks my brother's sons 11th birthday. I am so sad that he doesn't truely know his father for who he really is. My brother Thiik (Mangisto) is one of the best people I know. He is kind, fun-loving, gentle, ingeniously witted, Frank and strong. I wish that people would stop sometimes and not give him labels like; criminal, mentally ill, dead beat father, addict, effortless.
So for my son Kingston; I wanted to remember that your mom somehow fell inin love with brother who in her option and of many people; ain't worth shit.  I can say that without a doubt that you were made in the bestest of places. In your mother's heart, soul, and womb.  She is awesome .and her judgement wasn't wrong when she made you. You are the greatest gift anyone has brought my brother and his only hope and wish or a better future.  You are hands down everyone's whish for a child as well mannered, strong, intelligent , and kind as they come.
I am missing you dearly when you're not around Isaiah,Areng, and Tereza.
We wish to so many happy moments and so much joy for this day. We thank God for your life and who you will become. Happy birthday Kingston Coo-bear😋